How Long Does the Hourglass Last on Snapchat in 2023?

Snapchat streaks, or Snapstreaks are when you and another user exchange snaps for at least 3 days in a row. When that happens, their username will have a fire emoji next to it. To keep the Snapstreak going, you both have to send at least one snap every 24 hours. 

What Is The Hourglass Emoji And Its Relation To Snapchat Streaks?

However, when the hourglass emoji shows up, that means one or both of you hasn’t sent a snap in almost 24 hours. It will go away either when you’ve exchanged snaps, or when time’s up and the streak has ended. The hourglass functions as a Snapchat streak timer limit. 

How Long Does The Hourglass Last On Snapchat?

Snapchat is notorious for not explaining any meaning behind the emojis next to usernames. However, over time, users have determined some patterns about the hourglass. 

Varied Opinions Among Users About The Hourglass Duration

Unfortunately, a quick internet search about how long the hourglass lasts will result in different answers. Some users say it only shows up for a couple hours before disappearing.

Other sources say it shows up at the 20th hour, meaning it lasts for four hours. Other users have said their hourglass lasts for up to seven hours! So which is it? 

Factors Influencing The Duration Of The Hourglass

Snapstreaks seem to be calculated on a 24-hour rolling basis rather than always starting at a specific hour. This has some merit to it, considering it is entirely possible you have a snapstreak with someone who is in a different time zone. The only way around that would be to have everything set to GMT (UTC-0). 

Another thing to consider is that if you open the app and see the hourglass, you have no idea how long the hourglass has actually been sitting there. Do you have 20 minutes to send a snap? or 2 hours?

Different Timeframes For Month-Long Streaks And Shorter Streaks

According to extensive community research, users of snapchat have determined that when Snapstreaks are fresh, the hourglass will show up towards the end of the 24-hour period, giving you only 2-3 hours to exchange snaps and continue the streak.

On the flip-side, users who have had streaks going on for a while may get closer to 7-8 hours of a reminder to get their snaps in. 

Tips To Maintain Snap Streaks And Avoid The Hourglass

How Long Does the Hourglass Last on Snapchat

Here are some ways you can keep your Snapstreak going and avoid the hourglass ever showing up at all. 

Sending Regular Snaps To Snap Streak Friends

Get in the habit of sending snaps to your friends. Remember, snaps only count for pictures taken within the app, not uploaded into the chat. Streaks are also not affected by any messages sent. 

Establishing A Routine For Snap Exchanges

Try to send snaps at the same time every day and throughout the day. Encourage your Snapstreak friends to do similarly! If they know you’re serious, they might be more willing to play along. 

Ensuring Both Users Are Committed To Maintaining Streaks

The longest-running Snapstreaks only got that way because both people were committed to sending snaps and keeping the streak going. If you’re the only person sending snaps regularly, you won’t be able to keep a streak going. Snapstreaks require that snaps are exchanged between the both of you. 

Using Snaps Instead Of Text Messages To Prevent The Hourglass

Again, messages don’t count toward the streak counter. But if you haven’t sent a snap yet, but also want to ask your friend a question, pair the question with a snap in a fun way like writing the question on a piece of paper and snapping that. Or just putting it in the text. 

Sending A Good Morning Snap To Maintain Streaks

Somewhat like creating a routine, you can always just send a snap right after you wake up in the morning. These good morning snaps are a great way to keep the streak going. 

Creating A Snap Streak Friends Shortcut For Easy Snaps

Consider adding an icon shortcut to your phone’s home screen to remind you to send snaps to your Snapstreak friends. 

Activities That Do Not Add To Snap Streaks

Here’s a quick reminder of what will not count towards a Snapstreak: 

  • Regular messaging
  • Snapchat stories
  • Group chats
  • Memories
  • Spectacles

What to Do If the Hourglass Appears

If you get the Snapchat hourglass glitch, meaning the hourglass shows up after you’ve maintained a streak, here are your options: 

Contacting Snapchat Support and Reporting the Issue

Your first order of business should be to open up support in your app or on the browser. Snapstreaks is one of the top options under Popular Topics. There’s a link to Let Snapchat Know about issues with Snapstreaks.

The specific issue mentioned in the article is if the Snapstreak has been lost even if snaps have been exchanged. Treat this issue as a lost streak. 

Filling out the Required Information in the Support Form

Fill out all the required information so Snapchat can do their required research. You will also need to put if you saw the hourglass before the streak disappeared. Be as descriptive as possible. Also be polite. Then, once you’re done filling everything out, hit Submit and wait for Snapchat to get back to you. 


When Does The Hourglass Appear On Snapchat? 

This varies depending on how long the streak has been going. For shorter streaks only lasting a few days or a couple of weeks, the hourglass will only be there for a couple of hours. As streaks start to last months, users report having up to seven hours of the hourglass reminder. 

Does The Hourglass Appear On Both Sides?

Yes, the hourglass appears on both user’s profiles as a reminder that snaps need to be exchanged to keep the Snapstreak going. 

Can One Person Keep A Snap Streak Going?

No, snaps must be exchanged between two friends for the Snapstreak to continue. 


Now you have more information about how Snapstreaks work and what the hourglass means. Have fun maintaining those Snapstreaks with your friends! 


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